  • Drug Overdose Facts
  • GHB analogues such as BD and GBL often produce the same or similar side effects as GHB such as irritation to the skin and eyes, nausea, vomiting, incontinence, loss of consciousness, liver damage, kidney failure, respiratory depression, and death.
  • Anabolic steroid users sometimes engage in criminal behavior, such as committing property crimes, while being under the influence of these drugs.
  • Dilaudid can be administered intravenously and orally in liquid or tablet form.
  • The drug overdose epidemic is centered in middle-aged America; because this particular population is "not supposed to abuse drugs"; the media virtually ignores this dire situation.
  • Gay males who are methamphetamine users are particularly at risk of acquiring a sexually transmitted disease as a result of their methamphetamine use.
Name: Type of Treatment:
Email: Drug Abused
Phone: Describe the Situation:
Income Based Payment (Sliding Scale)

Paying for drug or alcohol treatment can be a problem, because typically all resources have been exhausted because of their drug habit. Many drug rehab programs recognize this fact which is why many drug treatment programs around the country offer payment arrangements known as a sliding scale fee. There are several factors put into the equation of determining what the fee will be from person to person, and these factors are based on individual circumstances such as income, cash on hand, living circumstances, the size of one's family etc. Sliding scale fees have been in use for some time as most drug rehab programs would rather find a way to make it work financially so that those suffering with addiction can receive the help they need.

Income Based Payment Sliding Scale category listings in Cassville, West Virginia:

  • Family Service of Marion and
    13.7 miles from Cassville, West Virginia
    Family Service of Marion and is a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center that is located at:

    1313 Locust Avenue
    Fairmont, WV. 26554

    Treatment Services: Outpatient Treatment, Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Specialized in Alternative Lifestyle, Seniors/Older Adult Services, Criminal Justice Client Programs
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Medicaid Coverage, State Financed Insurance besides Medicaid, Private or Personal Health Insurance, Accepts Military Insurance (E.G., Va, Tricare), Income Based Payment (Sliding Scale), Payment Assistance (based on Facility)
  • Axiom Family Counseling Services Inc
    23 miles from Cassville, West Virginia
    Axiom Family Counseling Services Inc is a Drug Addiction Treatment Program that is located at:

    630 Cherry Tree Lane
    Uniontown, PA. 15401

    Treatment Services: Outpatient Treatment, Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Medicaid Coverage, Private or Personal Health Insurance, Income Based Payment (Sliding Scale)
  • Southwest Behavioral Care Inc
    24.4 miles from Cassville, West Virginia
    Southwest Behavioral Care Inc is a Drug Rehabilitation Facility that is located at:

    84 North Gallatin Avenue
    Uniontown, PA. 15401

    Treatment Services: Outpatient Treatment, Criminal Justice Client Programs
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Medicaid Coverage, Income Based Payment (Sliding Scale)