  • Drug Overdose Facts
  • GHB use can cause giddiness, rambling or incoherent speech, sedation and an increased desire for sleep.
  • A substantial percentage of alcoholics have some loss of mental function, reduced brain size, and changes in the function of brain cells.
  • Bath Salts have increased in popularity throughout the United States, according state and local law enforcement officials because of their stimulant properties.
  • Since 1999, the large majority of drug overdose deaths have mostly been attributed to one particular category of drugs that are commonly referred to as "narcotics", and include prescription painkillers called opiods.
  • Ecstasy is made using chemicals and other ingredients like caffeine, dextromethorphan (found in some cough syrups), amphetamines, PCP, and cocaine.
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Alternative Housing - Transitional Living

A halfway house is a transitional living facility where an individual who is trying to recover from alcohol or drug addiction can stabilize and re-acclimate to life and society. A halfway house is a place where someone can feel safe and repair their life while recovering from addiction while also take part in activities which will help them do just that. Halfway houses are an ideal opportunity for individuals to be in a setting where they can acquire further counseling and different types of therapy while also learning new trades or finding stable employment so that they can support a healthy and productive, drug-free life.

Alternative Housing Transitional living category listings in Escobares, Texas: