  • Drug Overdose Facts
  • In animal studies involving cocaine, if the animal survives after a heavy dose of cocaine it will return to the task of obtaining more of the drug.
  • Individuals who have used Oxycontin with a prescription for legitimate use may not even realize that they are experiencing withdrawal when they stop using the drug, and many report thinking that they just have the flu.
  • Ecstasy use can cause hyperthermia which can lead to various types of organ failure and can even lead to death.
  • Another common term for inhalants is "Air Blast".
  • Abuse to Vicodin and other prescription narcotics constitute the most-abused group of prescription drugs in the nation.
Name: Type of Treatment:
Email: Drug Abused
Phone: Describe the Situation:
Dui/Dwi Offender Programs

DUI/DWI offenders are typically required to enroll in a specific number of hours either in counseling, meetings or a drug or alcohol treatment program. Each state has its own requirements when it comes to sentencing for the DUI/DWI offender. Offenders who are regarded as low to moderate DUI/DWI offenders will typically be required to participate in some form of group counseling or therapy. These meetings are typically held by a professional in the field of addiction recovery or a person with long-term sobriety involved in the Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous groups. DUI/DWI offenders deemed to be serious offenders will likely have to serve jail time at a minimum before beginning their mandatory counseling or alcohol rehab program.

Dui and Dwi Offender Programs category listings in Lowell, Indiana:

  • Awakenings Counseling Center
    15.3 miles from Lowell, Indiana
    Awakenings Counseling Center is a Substance Abuse Treatment Facility that is located at:

    7853 Taft Street
    Merrillville, IN. 46410

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Outpatient Treatment, Adolescents (18 and under), Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Specialized in Hiv/Aids Patients, Specialized in Alternative Lifestyle, Seniors/Older Adult Services, Caters to Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women Only, Men Only, Dui/Dwi Offender Programs, Criminal Justice Client Programs
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Private or Personal Health Insurance, Income Based Payment (Sliding Scale)
  • Addiction Behavioral Counseling Servs
    15.4 miles from Lowell, Indiana
    Addiction Behavioral Counseling Servs is a Drug Rehab Program that is located at:

    7805 Taft Street
    Merrillville, IN. 46410

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Outpatient Treatment, Adolescents (18 and under), Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Specialized in Hiv/Aids Patients, Specialized in Alternative Lifestyle, Seniors/Older Adult Services, Women Only, Men Only, Dui/Dwi Offender Programs, Criminal Justice Client Programs, Spanish Services, Other Language Programs
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Payment Assistance (based on Facility)
  • Hill Alcohol and Substance Abuse
    17 miles from Lowell, Indiana
    Hill Alcohol and Substance Abuse is a Drug Abuse Rehab Facility that is located at:

    1040 East Steger Road
    Crete, IL. 60417

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Outpatient Treatment, Adolescents (18 and under), Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Specialized in Hiv/Aids Patients, Seniors/Older Adult Services, Women Only, Men Only, Dui/Dwi Offender Programs, Criminal Justice Client Programs
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket)
  • Integrative Counseling Services
    20.1 miles from Lowell, Indiana
    Integrative Counseling Services is a Drug Treatment Facility that is located at:

    1601 Fran Lin Parkway
    Munster, IN. 46321

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Outpatient Treatment, Dui/Dwi Offender Programs
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket)
  • Comgraph Inc
    20.5 miles from Lowell, Indiana
    Comgraph Inc is a Drug Abuse Treatment Facility that is located at:

    252 Main Street
    Park Forest, IL. 60466

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Outpatient Treatment, Dui/Dwi Offender Programs, Spanish Services
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket)
  • Addiction and Family Counseling Inc
    22.6 miles from Lowell, Indiana
    Addiction and Family Counseling Inc is a Drug Addiction Treatment Center that is located at:

    7550 Hohman Avenue
    Munster, IN. 46321

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Outpatient Treatment, Adolescents (18 and under), Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Seniors/Older Adult Services, Women Only, Men Only, Dui/Dwi Offender Programs, Specialized in Hearing Impaired Clients, Spanish Services
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Private or Personal Health Insurance, Income Based Payment (Sliding Scale)
  • Fresh Start Counseling Services
    23 miles from Lowell, Indiana
    Fresh Start Counseling Services is a Drug Abuse Rehab Program that is located at:

    7108 Calumet Avenue
    Hammond, IN. 46324

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Outpatient Treatment, Adolescents (18 and under), Seniors/Older Adult Services, Women Only, Men Only, Dui/Dwi Offender Programs, Criminal Justice Client Programs, Spanish Services
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Private or Personal Health Insurance, Income Based Payment (Sliding Scale)