  • Drug Overdose Facts
  • Animal studies indicate that Ecstasy use causes adverse cognitive effects from pre and neonatal exposure to the drug.
  • Chemicals and solvents used to produce crystal meth can be purchased fairly cheaply these substances are then combined with over the counter medications such as pseudoephedrine.
  • Current research that was conducted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has reported that drug overdoses are reported to be the principle cause of death in long term substance abusers.
  • Alcohol reduces blood flow to muscles which can lead to muscle aches, most notably the day after an alcohol binge.
  • A drug overdose occurs when a person's metabolism cannot filter out the substance fast enough, subsequently resulting in harmful side-effects.
Name: Type of Treatment:
Email: Drug Abused
Phone: Describe the Situation:
Income Based Payment (Sliding Scale)

Paying for drug rehabilitation can be a challenge, as all resources have been exhausted because of their addiction. Many drug rehab facilities recognize this reality which is why many drug rehabilitation programs across the nation offer payment arrangements known as a sliding scale fee. There are various variables put into the equation of determining what the fee will be from person to person, and these factors are based on individual circumstances such as income, cash on hand, living circumstances, the size of one's family etc. Sliding scale fees have been in use for some time as most drug rehabilitation facilities would prefer to find a way to make it work financially so that those suffering with addiction can receive the help they need.

Income Based Payment Sliding Scale category listings in Moccasin, California:

  • Tuolumne County Behavioral Health
    12.1 miles from Moccasin, California
    Tuolumne County Behavioral Health is a Drug Rehabilitation Center that is located at:

    105 Hospital Road
    Sonora, CA. 95370

    Treatment Services: Outpatient Treatment, Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Criminal Justice Client Programs, Specialized in Hearing Impaired Clients, Spanish Services
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Medicaid Coverage, Income Based Payment (Sliding Scale)
  • Calaveras County Behavioral Hlth Servs
    33.1 miles from Moccasin, California
    Calaveras County Behavioral Hlth Servs is a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center that is located at:

    891 Mountain Ranch Road
    San Andreas, CA. 95249

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Outpatient Treatment, Men Only, Dui/Dwi Offender Programs, Criminal Justice Client Programs, Specialized in Hearing Impaired Clients
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Income Based Payment (Sliding Scale)
  • Merced County Mental Health Department
    35.3 miles from Moccasin, California
    Merced County Mental Health Department is a Substance Abuse Program that is located at:

    3090 M Street
    Merced, CA. 95340

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Outpatient Treatment, Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Caters to Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women Only, Men Only, Criminal Justice Client Programs, Spanish Services
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Medicaid Coverage, Income Based Payment (Sliding Scale)
  • Merced County Mental Health
    37 miles from Moccasin, California
    Merced County Mental Health is a Drug Recovery Program that is located at:

    480 East 13th Street
    Merced, CA. 95341

    Treatment Services: Outpatient Treatment, Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Seniors/Older Adult Services, Specialized in Hearing Impaired Clients, Spanish Services, Other Language Programs
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Medicaid Coverage, Medicare Coverage, Income Based Payment (Sliding Scale)