  • Drug Overdose Facts
  • Crimes as a result of use of Bath Salts continue to escalate throughout the United States as use of Bath Salts gains in popularity.
  • Cardiac arrest or seizures followed by respiratory failure can occur both short and long term abuse of cocaine.
  • Individuals who use Ecstasy may feel quite alert or hyper after consuming the drug.
  • The current high incidences of Ambien overdose reports in the United States, have been linked to user's that have developed a tolerance to the prescription sleep aid, and must take higher amounts of the medication in order to produce the desired effects.
  • Extremely high doses individuals who use amphetamines may experience flushing, pallor, very rapid or irregular heartbeat, tremors, loss of coordination, and collapse.
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Alternative Housing - Transitional Living

A halfway house is a transitional living facility where a person who is recovering from alcohol or drug addiction can find support and re-acclimate to life and society. A halfway house is a place where someone can feel secure and rebuild their life while maintaining sobriety while also take part in activities which will help them do just that. Halfway houses are an ideal opportunity for recovering addicts to be in a setting where they can receive further counseling and different types of therapy while also learning new trades or discovering stable employment so that they can support a healthy and drug free lifestyle.

Alternative Housing Transitional living category listings in Mountain Pass, California: