  • Drug Overdose Facts
  • Between 2005 and2009 among males aged 50 and older, narcotic pain reliever involvement in emergency room visits for attempted suicides almost tripled (from 882 to 2,589 visits).
  • Combining Xanax and alcohol can cause peripheral neuropathy, brain atrophy, and life threatening strokes and at the very least cause long-term nervous system or brain damage or even death.
  • Compared to non-users, students who use prescription drugs non-medically are more likely to meet criteria for dependence on alcohol and marijuana, skip class more frequently, and spend less time studying.
  • Fentanyl is hundreds of times more potent than street heroin, and tends to produce significantly worse respiratory depression, making it a dangerous drug for heroin abusers to play around with.
  • In 2006 the FDA published a warning entitled "Methadone Use for Pain Control May Result in Death and Life-Threatening Changes in Breathing and Heart Beat, stating that the FDA has received many reports of death and life-threatening side effects in patients that have taken methadone as prescribed by their physicians for pain relief.
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Email: Drug Abused
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Limited Hospitalization/Day Treatment Programs

Partial Hospitalization, also known as "PHP" or Day Treatment, is a type of rehabilitation program which works to treat substance abuse issues and mental health conditions which may be co-occurring. In a PHP program, the individual in treatment takes part in a variety of recovery activities and techniques during the day and then returns home in the evening. This takes place anywhere from five to seven days a week, depending on the seriousness of the problem. Partial Hospitalization can be helpful for addicted persons who cannot afford long-term inpatient care, or who are unable to be away from their families for extended periods of time. While in Day Treatment, individuals take part in standard counseling and therapy for addiction issues while also addressing mental health troubles which could prevent them from making progress and obtaining gains throughout the treatment process.

Limited Hospitalization Day Treatment Programs category listings in Piedmont, California:

  • Bay Area Community Services Inc
    2.6 miles from Piedmont, California
    Bay Area Community Services Inc is a Drug Abuse Treatment Center that is located at:

    1912 Central Avenue
    Alameda, CA. 94501

    Treatment Services: Limited Hospitalization/Day Treatment Programs, Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Specialized in Alternative Lifestyle, Seniors/Older Adult Services
    Payment Options: Medicaid Coverage, Medicare Coverage, Payment Assistance (based on Facility)