  • Drug Overdose Facts
  • A significant amount of past-year illicit drug initiates in 2010 reported that their first drug was an inhalant (9.0 percent), and a small proportion used hallucinogens as their first drug (3.0 percent).
  • If an individual is experiencing a GHB overdose they will typically have difficulty breathing, a lowered heart rate, convulsions, or in rare instances, death.
  • Because individuals cannot naturally produce the feelings which the body registers as rewarding after taking Adderall, the drug can become an addiction because the individual wants to experience these feelings again and more often.
  • Ativan is available in both pill and liquid forms.
  • During 1990, and following a great number of GHB overdoses, the drug was ordered to be taken off the market in the United States.
Name: Type of Treatment:
Email: Drug Abused
Phone: Describe the Situation:
Substance Abuse Programs

Substance abuse treatment is offered in a wide variety of distinct treatment settings with a variety of different treatment approaches. For example, some substance abuse treatment can be performed on an outpatient basis, where the individual will typically participate in treatment during the day but is allowed to return home daily. Other substance abuse treatment requires the individual to stay in a hospital or residential facility during the entire course of treatment, which is especially beneficial in resolving more serious cases of addiction. Inpatient and residential substance abuse treatment can be done on a short term or long term basis, depending on different circumstances which can be different for each individual. Most substance abuse treatment will concentrate on getting the person physically rehabilitated, and then concentrate on underlying psychological and emotional issues.

Substance Abuse Programs category listings in Point Mugu Nawc, California:

  • Alternative Action Programs
    7.3 miles from Point Mugu Nawc, California
    Alternative Action Programs is a Drug Rehab Service that is located at:

    314 West 4th Street
    Oxnard, CA. 93030
    805-988-1112 x0

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Outpatient Treatment, Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Specialized in Hiv/Aids Patients, Specialized in Alternative Lifestyle, Seniors/Older Adult Services, Caters to Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women Only, Men Only, Criminal Justice Client Programs, Spanish Services, Other Language Programs
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Medicaid Coverage, Income Based Payment (Sliding Scale), Payment Assistance (based on Facility)
  • PDAP of Ventura County Inc
    8.2 miles from Point Mugu Nawc, California
    PDAP of Ventura County Inc is a Drug Rehab Center that is located at:

    450 Rosewood Avenue
    Camarillo, CA. 93010

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Outpatient Treatment, Adolescents (18 and under), Criminal Justice Client Programs, Spanish Services
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Medicaid Coverage, State Financed Insurance besides Medicaid, Income Based Payment (Sliding Scale), Payment Assistance (based on Facility)
  • Prototypes Womens Center
    10.1 miles from Point Mugu Nawc, California
    Prototypes Womens Center is a Drug Rehab Facility that is located at:

    2150 North Victoria Avenue
    Oxnard, CA. 93036
    805-382-6296 x4327

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Detoxification, Residential Short-Term Treatment that is 30 days or less, Residential Long-Term Treatment that is 30 days or longer, Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Caters to Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women Only, Residential Beds For Clients with Children, Specialized in Hearing Impaired Clients, Spanish Services
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Private or Personal Health Insurance, Income Based Payment (Sliding Scale), Payment Assistance (based on Facility)
  • Genesis Programs Inc
    12.2 miles from Point Mugu Nawc, California
    Genesis Programs Inc is a Drug Rehabilitation Facility that is located at:

    1732 Palma Drive
    Ventura, CA. 93003

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Outpatient Treatment
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Private or Personal Health Insurance
  • Lakehouse Recovery Center
    14.3 miles from Point Mugu Nawc, California
    Lakehouse Recovery Center is a Drug Rehabilitation Facility that is located at:

    890 Lake Sherwood Drive
    Westlake Village, CA. 91361

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Detoxification, Residential Short-Term Treatment that is 30 days or less, Residential Long-Term Treatment that is 30 days or longer, Seniors/Older Adult Services, Women Only, Men Only
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Private or Personal Health Insurance
  • Genesis Program Inc
    14.6 miles from Point Mugu Nawc, California
    Genesis Program Inc is a Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility that is located at:

    145 Hodencamp Road
    Thousand Oaks, CA. 91360

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Outpatient Treatment
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Private or Personal Health Insurance
  • A Wildwood Recovery
    15.3 miles from Point Mugu Nawc, California
    A Wildwood Recovery is a Drug and Alcohol Rehab that is located at:

    360 Camino de Celeste
    Thousand Oaks, CA. 91360

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Detoxification, Residential Short-Term Treatment that is 30 days or less, Residential Long-Term Treatment that is 30 days or longer
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Private or Personal Health Insurance
  • Creative Care Inc
    15.7 miles from Point Mugu Nawc, California
    Creative Care Inc is a Drug Rehab Program that is located at:

    5941 Trancas Canyon Road
    Malibu, CA. 90265

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Detoxification, Outpatient Treatment, Residential Short-Term Treatment that is 30 days or less, Residential Long-Term Treatment that is 30 days or longer, Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Spanish Services, Other Language Programs
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Private or Personal Health Insurance
  • Ventura County Dept of Alc Drug Prog
    16 miles from Point Mugu Nawc, California
    Ventura County Dept of Alc Drug Prog is a Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Program that is located at:

    24 East Main Street
    Ventura, CA. 93001

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Outpatient Treatment, Adolescents (18 and under), Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Specialized in Hiv/Aids Patients, Specialized in Alternative Lifestyle, Seniors/Older Adult Services, Caters to Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women Only, Men Only, Criminal Justice Client Programs, Specialized in Hearing Impaired Clients, Spanish Services
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Medicaid Coverage, State Financed Insurance besides Medicaid, Private or Personal Health Insurance, Income Based Payment (Sliding Scale), Payment Assistance (based on Facility)
  • Engage Treatment Programs
    16.1 miles from Point Mugu Nawc, California
    Engage Treatment Programs is a Drug Abuse Treatment Program that is located at:

    650 Hampshire Road
    Westlake Village, CA. 91361

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Outpatient Treatment, Adolescents (18 and under), Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Men Only, Spanish Services
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Private or Personal Health Insurance
  • Intervention Institute
    16.3 miles from Point Mugu Nawc, California
    Intervention Institute is a Drug Treatment Service that is located at:

    870 Hampshire Road
    Westlake Village, CA. 91361

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Outpatient Treatment, Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Criminal Justice Client Programs, Specialized in Hearing Impaired Clients, Spanish Services
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket)
  • Khepera House
    16.4 miles from Point Mugu Nawc, California
    Khepera House is a Drug Abuse Rehab Center that is located at:

    125 West Harrison Avenue
    Ventura, CA. 93001

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Residential Short-Term Treatment that is 30 days or less, Residential Long-Term Treatment that is 30 days or longer, Specialized in Hiv/Aids Patients, Men Only, Criminal Justice Client Programs
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket)