  • Drug Overdose Facts
  • Drug overdose deaths have been reported to be listed on death certificates in the United States as "poisoning."
  • Hashish affects many skills required for safe driving including alertness, concentration, coordination, and reaction time.
  • GHB withdrawal effects that can include: insomnia, anxiety, vertigo, seizures, vomiting and sweating.
  • During 2004, nearly 20 million Americans reported using tranquilizers non-medically without a prescription or simply for the feeling they caused at least once in their lifetime.
  • Individuals who use Ecstasy may feel quite alert or hyper after consuming the drug.
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Detox for Methadone

Methadone detoxification is a course of action which must be overseen by addiction professionals within a drug rehabilitation center who recognize how challenging and difficult methadone detoxification can be. Methadone detoxification is regarded to be far more severe in terms of symptoms and duration than even heroin detox, and individuals frequently revert back to methadone to ease withdrawal symptoms or, worse yet, turn to heroin or prescription opioids to ease symptoms. This is why methadone detox should only be done under close supervision at a drug rehab facility which has experience in dealing with this type of detox, and where the individual can receive additional rehabilitation services to address all addiction issues.

Detox for Methadone category listings in Princeton, Indiana: