  • Drug Overdose Facts
  • Ecstasy use causes a release of excess levels of the brain chemical known as dopamine, but to a much lesser extent than serotonin.
  • Inhalant abuse may result in irregular heart rhythms and lead to heart failure.
  • Illicit drug use among Americans in the military increased from 5 percent to 12 percent among active duty service members between 2005 and 2008, primarily due to prescription drug abuse.
  • If consumed along with alcohol, cocaines effects peak in 30 minutes and last about 3 hours.
  • In the workplace in the United States, over 9 percent of Americans in the $9,000-$19,999 income group report heavy alcohol use, while only 2.1 percent of workers in the highest income bracket ($75,000 and more) report heavy alcohol use.
Name: Type of Treatment:
Email: Drug Abused
Phone: Describe the Situation:
Alternative Housing - Transitional Living

A halfway house is a transitional living facility where an individual who is trying to recover from alcohol or drug addiction can find support and re-adjust to life and society as a drug free individual. A halfway house is a location where the person can feel secure and repair their life while maintaining sobriety while also take part in clean and sober, productive activities. Halfway houses supply an ideal opportunity for individuals to be in a setting where they can receive further counseling and different types of therapy while also learning new trades or finding stable employment so that they can support a healthy and drug free lifestyle.

Alternative Housing Transitional living category listings in Thorndale, Texas:

  • Central Texas VA Healthcare Services
    33.7 miles from Thorndale, Texas
    Central Texas VA Healthcare Services is a Drug Addiction Treatment Facility that is located at:

    1901 Veterans Memorial Drive
    Temple, TX. 76504

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Alternative Housing - Transitional living, Outpatient Treatment, Residential Short-Term Treatment that is 30 days or less, Residential Long-Term Treatment that is 30 days or longer, Spanish Services
    Payment Options: Private or Personal Health Insurance, Payment Assistance (based on Facility)