  • Drug Overdose Facts
  • In the workplace, individuals with less than a high school education are more likely to report current illicit drug use than workers with higher education, with college graduates boasting the lowest rates.
  • Deaths caused by alcohol dependence in the U.S. are highest among Blacks, although a higher percentage of blacks than whites abstain from using alcohol.
  • Binge drinking rates among college students is about 32 percent lower, 36 percent compared to 53 percent, in the 10 states which have the lowest rates of adult binge drinking compared to the ten states with the highest.
  • In the past there were very few milligrams of actual heroin found in a bag of the drug, as most of the bag was filled with additives like sugar, powdered milk, or quinine.
  • In June 2006, 945 grams of 83% pure fentanyl powder was seized by Border Patrol agents in California from a vehicle which had entered via the Mexican border.
Name: Type of Treatment:
Email: Drug Abused
Phone: Describe the Situation:
Other Language Programs

People who speak other languages, other than English that is, should receive drug or alcohol rehabilitation which is on par with English speakers. Speakers of other languages should not feel that their treatment opportunities are limited or inferior because they don't speak English. There are quite a few drug treatment programs available which cater to those who speak foreign languages, all of which offer various programs to choose from. For example, some drug and alcohol rehab programs which cater to those who speak other languages are only short term programs, and others are longer term programs. Foreign language speakers should seek the advice from an addiction professional in their area to choose a drug or alcohol treatment program that provides rehabilitation services in their specific language.

Other Language Programs category listings in Van Horn, Texas:

  • Covenant Medical Center Lakeside
    Covenant Medical Center Lakeside is a Drug Rehab Program that is located at:

    4002 22nd Place
    Lubbock, TX. 79410

    Treatment Services: Hospital Inpatient Programs, Outpatient Treatment, Specialized in Hearing Impaired Clients, Spanish Services, Other Language Programs
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Medicaid Coverage, Medicare Coverage, Private or Personal Health Insurance, Accepts Military Insurance (E.G., Va, Tricare)