  • Drug Overdose Facts
  • Adderall carries what is known as a Black Box Warning from the federal government due to its the risks associated with abuse of the drug.
  • Anabolic steroids can have profound physiological effects, the most notable of which is that it promotes the growth of skeletal muscle and androgenic effects that foster the development of male sexual characteristics.
  • Between 2009 and 2010, lifetime use of Ecstasy by 8th graders increased from 2.2% to 3.3%, past year use from 1.3% to 2.4%, and current use 0.6% to 1.1%. This increase in use follows declines in perceived risk associated with the drug reported over the past several years.
  • Fentanyl has become a recreational drug of choice and individuals who wish to make a significant profit by selling impure fentanyl to unwitting addicts have been responsible for many deaths.
  • Overdose deaths by asphyxiation are common among people who mix alcohol with other drugs and accidentally inhale their vomit into their lungs.
Name: Type of Treatment:
Email: Drug Abused
Phone: Describe the Situation:
Women Only

Rehabilitation from drug or alcohol addiction is a process that can be difficult and in a lot ofways intimidating. This is why some women seeking recovery feel more comfortable in rehab facilities created specifically for women. Women who are addicted to drugs or alcohol typicallyhave personal issues that are much different than that of males. In a drug or alcohol rehab facility where all the clients are women, the recovering addict will feel more at ease and will be able to share her personal conflicts that led to her substance abuse and addiction problems. Statistics show that up to seventy percent of women with addiction problems report having some type of sexual or physical abuse in their past. These delicate issues are easier to work through in the company of other women without fear of judgment or retaliation.

Women Only category listings in Yettem, California:

  • Turning Point of Central CA Inc
    10.8 miles from Yettem, California
    Turning Point of Central CA Inc is a Drug Rehab Center that is located at:

    220 North Locust Street
    Visalia, CA. 93291
    559-627-1385 x5703

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Outpatient Treatment, Adolescents (18 and under), Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Caters to Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women Only, Men Only, Criminal Justice Client Programs, Spanish Services
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), State Financed Insurance besides Medicaid
  • New Hope
    10.9 miles from Yettem, California
    New Hope is a Drug Recovery Program that is located at:

    212 North Stevenson Street
    Visalia, CA. 93291

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Residential Long-Term Treatment that is 30 days or longer, Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Women Only, Specialized in Hearing Impaired Clients, Spanish Services
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket)
  • Central Valley Recovery Services
    12.1 miles from Yettem, California
    Central Valley Recovery Services is a Drug Abuse Treatment Center that is located at:

    1425 East Walnut Avenue
    Visalia, CA. 93292

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Detoxification, Residential Short-Term Treatment that is 30 days or less, Residential Long-Term Treatment that is 30 days or longer, Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Women Only, Criminal Justice Client Programs, Specialized in Hearing Impaired Clients, Spanish Services
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Payment Assistance (based on Facility)
  • New Heights Outpatient Services
    12.3 miles from Yettem, California
    New Heights Outpatient Services is a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center that is located at:

    1731 West Walnut Avenue
    Visalia, CA. 93277

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Outpatient Treatment, Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Caters to Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women Only, Specialized in Hearing Impaired Clients, Spanish Services
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Private or Personal Health Insurance, Income Based Payment (Sliding Scale)
  • Recovery Resources
    13 miles from Yettem, California
    Recovery Resources is an Addiction Treatment Facility that is located at:

    2222 West Sunnyside Avenue
    Visalia, CA. 93277

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Detoxification, Outpatient Treatment, Adolescents (18 and under), Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Women Only, Men Only
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Private or Personal Health Insurance
  • Dunamis Inc
    32.3 miles from Yettem, California
    Dunamis Inc is a Drug and Alcohol Rehab that is located at:

    4991 East McKinley Avenue
    Fresno, CA. 93727

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Alternative Housing - Transitional living, Outpatient Treatment, Adolescents (18 and under), Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Seniors/Older Adult Services, Women Only, Men Only, Criminal Justice Client Programs
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Medicaid Coverage, State Financed Insurance besides Medicaid, Private or Personal Health Insurance, Income Based Payment (Sliding Scale)
  • Fresno County Board of Supervisors
    32.5 miles from Yettem, California
    Fresno County Board of Supervisors is a Drug Addiction Treatment Facility that is located at:

    515 South Cedar Street
    Fresno, CA. 93702

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Outpatient Treatment, Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Caters to Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women Only, Specialized in Hearing Impaired Clients
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Medicaid Coverage, Private or Personal Health Insurance, Income Based Payment (Sliding Scale), Payment Assistance (based on Facility)
  • Santa Rosa Rancheria
    32.8 miles from Yettem, California
    Santa Rosa Rancheria is a Drug Rehab that is located at:

    16835 Alkali Road
    Lemoore, CA. 93245
    559-924-1278 x4019

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Outpatient Treatment, Adolescents (18 and under), Women Only, Men Only, Spanish Services
    Payment Options:
  • Universal Hlth Network and Systems Inc
    33.2 miles from Yettem, California
    Universal Hlth Network and Systems Inc is a Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Program that is located at:

    3170 North Chestnut Avenue
    Fresno, CA. 93703

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Detoxification, Outpatient Treatment, Residential Short-Term Treatment that is 30 days or less, Residential Long-Term Treatment that is 30 days or longer, Women Only, Men Only, Spanish Services, Other Language Programs
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket)