  • Drug Overdose Facts
  • At college campuses across the United States, students reported that the number one reason that they did not immediately call for medical assistance in the case of a drug or alcohol overdose, was due to the fear of getting the person or themselves in trouble with parents or school officials.
  • The Office of National Drug Control Policy opposes making naloxone widely available, because they do not want the opioid antidote to be handled by non-medical professionals.
  • A fever experienced during drug withdrawal is common among people who have been addicted to various substances, or even after a period of intense substance use and can range from mild to severe.
  • A survivor of a drug overdose is often consumed with guilt over putting their loved ones through this traumatic ordeal, and is often willing to seek drug treatment to avoid the possibility of another such occurrence in the future.
  • During 2000, Ecstasy use increased among students in the 12th, 10th, and 8th grades.
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Important Details about Codeine Side Effects

Codeine is a drug recommended by some medical specialists for patients that suffer from severe pain and coughing. This opiate analgesic is an effective painkiller, and it alters the body's way of sensing pain. The drug is available in pills or liquid, and the formulation has different effects on the body. For instance, pills serve as pain relievers, and it may be taken with aspirin. Codeine in liquid form can help suppress serious coughing episodes.

Codeine Side Effects and Health Issues

Several people suffer from side effects when they take codeine. While they may experience instant relief, the pain may be replaced by a few side effects that may be mild at times. However, it is important to have these side effects treated, particularly when these do not disappear or diminish. Some typical side effects linked with codeine use may include constipation, mood changes, headache, drowsiness, abdominal pains and nausea. There are also users that may experience difficulty in urinating due to issues with the bladder.

There are also serious side effects associated with codeine use, and these symptoms can cause severe discomfort. The adverse effects of the drug include irregular heart rate, pounding heartbeat, painful swallowing, seizures, hives, and poor or shallow breathing. These are life-threatening physical symptoms that may cause death when left untreated.

Some drug users may have the ability to tolerate or disregard the symptoms associated with codeine. Among the tolerable effects are insomnia, nausea, and drowsiness. There are serious problems, though, that may arise among people who suffer from frequent vomiting. They are likely to suffer from dehydration when their potassium levels become very low. This condition can result to dry skin, weakness, fatigue, and infrequent urination. When this condition arises, it is important for individuals to seek medical attention and increase their intake of fluid.

Blurred vision is another symptom or side effect linked with codeine use. Some individuals are also prone to headache and rashes that may persist or weeks. Fortunately, there are treatments available that can eliminate these negative side effects.

Codeine Overdose Facts

While codeine may serve as an effective pain reliever, it may also lead to health problems. Because of this, patients should follow precisely what their doctor recommended them, including the correct dosage and duration of taking the drug. An overdose occurs when a person decides to take the drug inappropriately, even when it is not prescribed by the doctor. Those who suffer from codeine overdose are bound to suffer from serious physical pains such as seizures. They may also experience fainting spells and a weak pulse. Other symptoms of an overdose are constipation, cold and velvety skin, and lightheadedness. With an extremely large dose of codeine, a person may suffer from a coma and die immediately.

Codeine usually has a broad safety level or margin, yet it is still possible for people to experience an overdose. They may jeopardize their health, particularly the circulatory and gastrointestinal system. Some individuals may also have problems with breathing, slow heartbeat, low blood pressure and bluish or pale skin and nails.

Overdoses in codeine are not very common, as compared to overdoses in other drugs such as opium or morphine. On the other hand, those who deliberately take huge amounts of the drug can expect to suffer from debilitating conditions that will affect the quality of their life and health. They may even die from these serious ailments and symptoms, even if they have not used the drug for long periods.

Additional Facts about Codeine Abuse

Since codeine can help relieve pains and discomfort, some individuals choose to take the medication frequently. As with any type of drug, it is essential for individuals to follow the exact prescription by the doctor. There is always a right dosage recommended for a particular physical condition, and people should not end up taking more than the required amount of the drug. When they fail to take a dosage for a day, they should avoid doubling the dosage the next day. They may end up suffering from serious problems such as an overdose when they decide to do this. Moreover, it is always ideal to consult a medical specialist when there are side effects experienced due to codeine use. This way, individuals can prevent the condition from becoming worse and unbearable.