  • Drug Overdose Facts
  • Individuals whose clinic gives them enough methadone to last one week, or even up to one month, commonly sell their excess prescribed methadone on the street in the illicit drug market.
  • During a gonorrhea outbreak in 6 central California counties in 2004, many of the heterosexual men (38%) and women (28%) who were infected reported methamphetamine use.
  • Ecstasy causes a release of large amounts of serotonin, while also inhibiting or blocking its synthesis, which leads to a considerable depletion of serotonin.
  • Around 10 percent of 9 to 10 year olds in the U.S. have started drinking alcohol.
  • Common substances added to cocaine are sugars, such as mannitol, lactose, or glucose, or even sugar substitutes, and local anesthetics such as tetracaine, procaine, and lidocaine. Quinine, talc, and cornstarch are also sometimes used.
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Important Facts about Crack Cocaine

Crack cocaine is considered as a form of the drug, which is not neutralized by acid. This drug is a type of rock crystal that is often smoked, heated or inhaled. The term "crack" refers to the cracking noise made when the substance is heated. It is also a highly addictive drug that stimulates the central nervous system.

The drug may be freebased or smoked. It has an irregular shape, which may be white or off-white in color. Freebasing is a process that includes heating the rock crystal until it turns into liquid. Then, users inhale the vapor by using a pipe. The lungs absorb the vapors, and it can produce an instant euphoric high feeling.

Facts about Crack Cocaine: Effects of the Drug

Some people use the drug because it gives them a high feeling and sudden rush. This stimulant also helps relieve pains and suppresses the appetite. Those who take the drug feel mentally alert, and they end up having an intense physical activity. However, this effect begins to wear off after 10 minutes of taking the drug. Eventually, the user feels depressed or down, which is worse than when he or she first started taking crack cocaine. They are also unable to attain the same kind of euphoric feeling when they first take the drug after subsequent use.

There are risks in taking crack cocaine. For instance, individuals are at great risk of experiencing the negative effects similar with using cocaine. They may suffer from high blood pressure, high body temperature, cardiac arrest, and seizures. They may also develop chronic cough and other respiratory diseases. Some people may even experience shortness of breath, internal bleeding, and lung ulcerations. It is also common among users to become aggressive and paranoid because of large amounts of crack cocaine intake.

Where Crack Cocaine Comes From

Crack cocaine is formed by dissolving the powder form of cocaine, and mixing it with baking soda and water. This mixture is then boiled, dried, and crushed into rock-like pieces. The original form of cocaine originates from the paste produced from the coca plant leaves. Among the different street names of the drug include badrock, chemical, 24-7, beat, cookies, devil drug, and crumbs.

More Details about Crack Cocaine

The drug is a crystal form of the drug, which is available in blocks or rocks that have yellow, white or pale rose color. It is the most potent formulation of cocaine, which makes it the most hazardous type of drug. In fact, it is 100 percent pure cocaine, so it has more potency than the powder form.

Those who smoke the drug experience a myriad of negative symptoms. The substance enters the brain quickly, so the effect is quite intense and instant. However, the "high" feeling only stays for a few minutes. Addiction is likely to occur when a person begins to crave the effects felt upon taking the drug.

Since cocaine is rather expensive, many people consider buying crack cocaine because of the cheap price. The expenses, though, may skyrocket when an individual requires hospitalization because of the negative symptoms linked with crack cocaine abuse.

Health Risks

Chronic users of crack cocaine are likely to develop any type of heart disorder such as spasms that may cause a heart attack. The blood pressure is also severely affected, and most people end up developing strokes. With long-term use of the drug, individuals may suffer from lung disorders and cardiac arrest. The drug is also associated with the premature ageing and destruction of the cardiovascular system.

People who snort the drug are likely to suffer from intense damages to the blood vessels in the nasal passages. On the other hand, those who inject the drug may contract skin infections blood clots, abscesses, kidney damages, and infections. Smoking crack can lead to chest pains, high body temperature, and breathing difficulties. Some may even experience respiratory failure and eventually die because of this condition.

Other individuals who are hooked on crack cocaine decide to take other drugs such as heroin. This intensifies the negative effects of the drug, and they may develop psychological disorders, as well. In fact, those who have become addicted and dependent on the drug become paranoid, schizophrenic, anxious, and violent.