Meth, or "crystal meth"- is the street name for methamphetamines; it is a highly addictive drug which is manufactured in what is known as "meth labs". While methamphetamines are prescribed for various reasons in low doses, addicts tend to abuse the drug in very high amounts. It provides a high much like that of cocaine, a stimulant which gives a feeling of euphoria upon onset. Addicts tend to stay up for days as a result of their meth high, however for every high comes a period of withdrawal- meth is definitely no exception. Withdrawals from methamphetamines can be just as powerful as the high itself, causing users to continue the vicious cycle of use.
Individuals who are prescribed methamphetamines by their physician rarely become addicted due to the regulations which have been imposed on the drug. Doctors must prescribe the medication in low doses, and can not put any refills on the prescription.Also, due to its addictive qualities- and the potential for misuse, there are rules which must be followed when purchasing over the counter medications which can be used to make meth. Consumers must have identification, and sign their names on a registry at the time of purchase; a limit has also been implemented regarding multiple purchases of these medicines. These rules and regulations have been put into place in an effort to control abuse- and subsequent withdrawals relating meth.
When the illegal manufacturing of meth takes place, it puts not only the makers, but others around them at risk. The chemicals which are used are highly addictive, and can be fatal. Meth addicts have a difficult time dealing with withdrawals, so the thought of having someone- who does not even use the drug, subjected to these symptoms is ludicrous. The chemicals used in meth labs not only carry a distinctive smell, they also present fire hazards, and pollute the immediate environment. Unfortunate individuals in the vicinity of a meth lab, stand the risk of experiencing withdrawal symptoms much like the meth addict. This can happen if chemicals are inhaled for a prolonged period of time. Meth addicts coming down from the drug may have the following withdrawal symptoms:
Drug free treatment is always the best answer to avoid the pain and frustration of withdrawals. Instead of returning to meth, it is wise to use these symptoms as a reason to get help.
Meth addicts who begin to have withdrawals, are likely to go after more drugs. However, treatment is available for those who are ready to rid themselves of their meth addiction. For individuals who choose to manufacture meth themselves, albeit for the sake of dealing the drug, using, or both- caution should be taken; when using meth labs, there is a chance that labs can be blown up accidentally- or severe burns can occur at the very least. Also, friends and loved ones of meth addicts and manufacturers should steer clear of anything which has to do with the chemicals. This includes clothing which may have the chemicals in them; clothing which carry the chemical's fumes can cause anyone who inhales them to become sick. Meth, should not be taken lightly. The risks which are involved with dealing, manufacturing, using- or even being around this drug, are simply too high for everyone involved.