Methamphetamine or meth causes a person to feel euphoric and extremely alert. This drug may also make the person become very confident and aggressive. Some people have distorted judgment and way of thinking when they are under the influence of meth. In fact, most users end up doing extreme actions that they will never normally do. With the intense effects of meth, first time users may become addicted to the drug and choose to take more doses of the substance frequently.
Those who use meth are likely to suffer from a number of psychological issues. They may become frequently irritable and hyperactive because of the overstimulation of the CNS or central nervous system. These people also act aggressively and violently, particularly when they do not get their way. Some users suffer from visual or auditory hallucinations, paranoia, and suspiciousness. It is also common among drug users to have suicidal thoughts and tendencies because of the mental difficulties that they experience.
Physical signs are also common among meth users. These individuals may suffer from poor breathing patterns, stroke, sweating, chills, fatigue, lethargy, sluggishness and arrhythmias. They may also be prone to nausea, vomiting, itching, flushing skin, muscle twitching, and weight loss.
The drug mainly affects the central nervous system, and it alters the way the body produces and releases brain chemicals. A person may feel very active and awake after taking the drug. However, users become tired and sluggish after a few minutes, when the effects have faded.
There is also a condition called "crash", which occurs when there is a brain chemical imbalance caused by the drug. These people may suffer from insomnia, fatigue and weakness. They may even hear or see things that do not exist, and some individuals act in a strange and violent manner.
When a person takes the drug for long periods, he or she may experience physiological effects such as seizures, internal bleeding, cardiac arrhythmias, dilation of pupils, elevated blood pressure, fluid accumulation in the lungs and brain tissue, hyperthermia, and kidney failure. It is also typical among drug users to suffer from HIV, AIDS, and other infectious diseases, particularly when they share needles used in injecting the drug. Snorting also causes serious damages to the lungs and nasal passages, and those who administer the drug in this method may have frequent nosebleeds and runny nose.
Despite these symptoms, many people remain addicted to the substance because they like the feeling of alertness and euphoria. They also want to stay up for hours when they need to complete a project or train for a certain sport. Nevertheless, they are likely to experience all the negative symptoms linked with drug abuse.
The drug can cause serious problems to a person's body and mind. Although the effect upon taking the drug may be pleasurable, the brief feeling is replaced with great pains and discomfort. These people are also likely to suffer from an overdose because of their attempts to increase the dosage each time they take meth.
Meth also causes short-term effects including a sudden rush or euphoria, poor appetite, profuse sweating, reduced feeling of tiredness, increase physical activity and alertness. However, the drug produces toxic effects, and an excess supply of dopamine can lead to brain damage. Even a few times of taking large doses of meth can increase the risk of convulsion, coma and death.
The long-terms effects may be very disconcerting, and individuals may not be able to focus on their studies or work. They may even decide to isolate themselves from others because of the strange feelings that they experience. Some users suffer from delusions, psychosis, hallucinations, repetitive movements, mood changes, and anxieties.
Chronic abuse of meth can result to tolerance to the substance. These people may end up taking the drug immediately after the effect has faded. Moreover, the next dosage is usually higher than the previous one, as most users are no longer satisfied with a mild dosage of the drug. An overdose can cause great problems to drug users, and they may encounter sleeping problems, mental and psychological issues, and a myriad of physical symptoms that will affect their productivity and overall health.