  • Drug Overdose Facts
  • Amphetamines are a Schedule II drug under the Convention on Psychotropic Substances which is a global measure.
  • If addicted fentanyl users dont consistently use the drug, they experience intense cravings and withdrawal symptoms which drive them to commit criminal acts and get the drug at all costs.
  • Alcohol can get in the way of the process of the liver releasing glucose, which may result in low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) for up to 12 hours after you have a drink.
  • If sufficient amounts, inhalants produce a loss of sensation, and even unconsciousness.
  • Among high school seniors in the U.S., past-year nonmedical use of Adderall and over-the-counter cough and cold medicines remains high at 6.5% and 6.6%, respectively.
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Limited Hospitalization/Day Treatment Programs

Partial Hospitalization, also known as "PHP" or Day Treatment, is a form of rehabilitation program which works to treat substance abuse issues and mental health conditions which may be co-occurring. In a PHP program, the person in treatment participates in a variety of treatment activities and techniques during the day and then returns home in the evening. This takes place anywhere from five to seven days a week, depending on the seriousness of the problem. Partial Hospitalization can be helpful for addicted individuals who cannot afford long-term inpatient care, or who are unable to be away from their families for extended periods of time. While in Day Treatment, individuals participate in standard counseling and therapy for addiction issues while also addressing mental health troubles which could keep them from staying sober once treatment is complete.

Limited Hospitalization Day Treatment Programs category listings in Elmhurst, New York: