  • Drug Overdose Facts
  • Despite all efforts by federal, state or local authorities to stop diversion and abuse, the illicit use of OxyContin is at an all-time high.
  • Ecstasy users who take repeated doses of the drug within a short time span can increase their risk of seizures.
  • A great number of athletes use anabolic steroids to help improve their ability to run faster, hit farther, lift heavier weights, or have more endurance.
  • About 10% of alcohol health care costs spent annually are for care of fetal alcohol syndrome.
  • Opioid-related drug overdose deaths have surpassed the rate of heroin and cocaine overdoses within the past several years in the U.S.
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Residential Beds For Clients with Children

While residential beds for clients children is not as common as other specialized types of addiction treatment programs, they are possible to find if you are in need. Back in 2007, the National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services documented that 515 (14%) of residential substance abuse treatment centers supplied beds for both mothers and their children. There is a great benefit to both the mother and child who are able to enroll in recovery programs that offer residential beds for clients children. The parent is able to receive the drug addiction treatment they need while remaining involved with their children through the challenging process of addiction recovery. A lot of parents (mothers in particular) are afraid to admit that they need help with their addiction issuesbecause they fear that their children will be taken away. Rehab facilities providing residential beds for clients children help to alleviate this fear while providing the care that both mother and child so desperately need.

Residential Beds For Clients with Children category listings in Iola, Kansas: