  • Drug Overdose Facts
  • About half of the women who are opiate dependent also have anemia, heart disease, diabetes, pneumonia, or hepatitis during pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Crimes as a result of use of Bath Salts continue to escalate throughout the United States as use of Bath Salts gains in popularity.
  • Ecstasy was first introduced in the 1980s, but by 1995 was already less than 10% pure.
  • Individuals who survive a drug overdose may often need long term health care; this medical care may include kidney dialysis, a kidney or liver transplant, or treatment for heart failure, stroke, or coma.
  • Because the sale of GHB is illegal, no controls are in place regarding strength and purity of the drug when it is produced.
Name: Type of Treatment:
Email: Drug Abused
Phone: Describe the Situation:
Spanish Services

There increasing numbers of Spanish speaking clients enrolling into substance abuse rehab facilities every day needing help. Because Spanish is such a common language in this country, many substance abuse rehab programs are capable of providing services to Spanish speaking people. Additionally, many treatment professionals make it a point to learn the language so as to be able to provide the treatment and therapy needed for Spanish speaking people.

Spanish Services category listings in Lagrange, Georgia:

  • Pathways Second Season
    Pathways Second Season is a Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility that is located at:

    124 Gordon Commercial Drive
    Lagrange, GA. 30240

    Treatment Services: Detoxification, Specialized in Hearing Impaired Clients, Spanish Services
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Medicaid Coverage, Medicare Coverage, Private or Personal Health Insurance, Accepts Military Insurance (E.G., Va, Tricare), Income Based Payment (Sliding Scale)
  • Twin Cedars Youth and Fam Services Inc
    Twin Cedars Youth and Fam Services Inc is a Drug Treatment Center that is located at:

    701 Lincoln Street
    Lagrange, GA. 30240
    706-298-0050 x1056

    Treatment Services: Outpatient Treatment, Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Criminal Justice Client Programs, Spanish Services
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Medicaid Coverage, State Financed Insurance besides Medicaid, Private or Personal Health Insurance
  • Tri State Treatment
    Tri State Treatment is a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Facility that is located at:

    1236 Highway 299
    Wildwood, GA. 30757

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Detoxification, Detox for Methadone, Outpatient Treatment, Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Specialized in Alternative Lifestyle, Seniors/Older Adult Services, Caters to Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women Only, Men Only, Specialized in Hearing Impaired Clients, Spanish Services
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket)
  • Dynamic Interventions Inc
    Dynamic Interventions Inc is a Drug Treatment Program that is located at:

    524 South Houston Lake Road
    Warner Robins, GA. 31088

    Treatment Services: Outpatient Treatment, Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Specialized in Alternative Lifestyle, Specialized in Hearing Impaired Clients, Spanish Services
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Medicaid Coverage, State Financed Insurance besides Medicaid, Private or Personal Health Insurance, Accepts Military Insurance (E.G., Va, Tricare), Income Based Payment (Sliding Scale)
  • Newport Intergrated Behav Hlthcare Inc
    Newport Intergrated Behav Hlthcare Inc is a Drug Abuse Treatment Center that is located at:

    1810 Moseri Road
    Decatur, GA. 30032

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Detoxification, Hospital Inpatient Programs, Outpatient Treatment, Residential Short-Term Treatment that is 30 days or less, Residential Long-Term Treatment that is 30 days or longer, Adolescents (18 and under), Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Specialized in Alternative Lifestyle, Seniors/Older Adult Services, Caters to Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women Only, Men Only, Dui/Dwi Offender Programs, Criminal Justice Client Programs, Spanish Services, Other Language Programs
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Medicaid Coverage, Medicare Coverage, State Financed Insurance besides Medicaid, Private or Personal Health Insurance, Accepts Military Insurance (E.G., Va, Tricare), Income Based Payment (Sliding Scale), Payment Assistance (based on Facility)
  • Directorate of Human Resources
    Directorate of Human Resources is a Drug Abuse Treatment Program that is located at:

    Building 975
    Fort Benning, GA. 31905

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Outpatient Treatment, Women Only, Men Only, Specialized in Hearing Impaired Clients, Spanish Services
    Payment Options: Private or Personal Health Insurance, Accepts Military Insurance (E.G., Va, Tricare), Payment Assistance (based on Facility)
  • Transitional Family Services
    Transitional Family Services is a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Facility that is located at:

    1830 Water Place SE
    Atlanta, GA. 30339

    Treatment Services: Outpatient Treatment, Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Specialized in Alternative Lifestyle, Spanish Services
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Medicaid Coverage, State Financed Insurance besides Medicaid, Private or Personal Health Insurance