  • Drug Overdose Facts
  • High school and college students in the U.S. use prescription stimulants recreationally and combine them with alcohol or other drugs for an euphoric effect.
  • Individuals who partake in medically assisted withdrawal, but do not receive any further drug rehab, show drug abuse patterns similar to those who had never received treatment.
  • In 2007, heroin admissions represented nearly 14% of the total drug/alcohol admissions to treatment.
  • Cutting or diluting pure cocaine is meant to increase each dealers profit.
  • Individuals in methadone treatment quickly find that they are unable to pay for such treatment; money which would be better spent seeking drug rehab treatment.
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Limited Hospitalization/Day Treatment Programs

Partial Hospitalization, also known as "PHP" or Day Treatment, is a type of treatment program which works to treat substance abuse issues and mental health issues which may be co-occurring. In a PHP program, the individual in treatment takes part in a variety of treatment activities and techniques during the day and then returns home in the evening. This is done anywhere from five to seven days a week, depending on the seriousness of the problem. Partial Hospitalization can be beneficial for addicted persons who may not be able to afford long-term inpatient care, or who are unable to be away from their families for prolonged periods of time. While in Day Treatment, clients take part in typical counseling and therapy for addiction issues while also addressing mental health issues which could prevent them from staying sober once treatment is complete.

Limited Hospitalization Day Treatment Programs category listings in Lightstreet, Pennsylvania:

  • PATH
    2 miles from Lightstreet, Pennsylvania
    PATH is a Drug Abuse Rehab Program that is located at:

    200 Montour Boulevard
    Bloomsburg, PA. 17815

    Treatment Services: Outpatient Treatment, Limited Hospitalization/Day Treatment Programs, Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Medicaid Coverage, Medicare Coverage, Private or Personal Health Insurance