  • Drug Overdose Facts
  • Amphetamine sometimes contain substances which do not easily dissolve in water, and when injected can pass into the body and block small blood vessels or weaken the blood vessel walls. Kidney damage, lung problems, strokes, or other tissue injury may result.
  • GHB produced effects which are similar to other abused central nervous system depressants such as barbiturates and methaqualone.
  • Because drug abuse and addiction are major public health problems, there are many drug rehab options which are funded by local, State, and Federal governments.
  • Individuals in methadone maintenance may sometimes find it difficult to stay clean and feel as though they are working every day to pay for their daily methadone dose, and can quickly begin to experience burn out.
  • According to researchers around the globe, drug overdose deaths are increasing around the world in tandem with the increasing medical and nonmedical use of prescription narcotic pain relievers.
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Email: Drug Abused
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Limited Hospitalization/Day Treatment Programs

Partial Hospitalization, also known as "PHP" or Day Treatment, is a form of rehabilitation program which works to treat substance abuse problems and mental health conditions which may be co-occurring. In a PHP program, the person in treatment participates in a variety of recovery activities and techniques during the day and then returns home in the evening. This takes place anywhere from five to seven days a week, depending on the seriousness of the problem. Partial Hospitalization can be beneficial for addicted persons who may not be able to afford long-term inpatient care, or who are unable to be away from their families for prolonged periods of time. While in Day Treatment, clients participate in typical counseling and therapy for addiction issues while also addressing mental health issues which could prevent them from making progress and obtaining gains throughout the treatment process.

Limited Hospitalization Day Treatment Programs category listings in Muncy, Pennsylvania:

  • PATH
    19.9 miles from Muncy, Pennsylvania
    PATH is a Drug Abuse Rehab Program that is located at:

    200 Montour Boulevard
    Bloomsburg, PA. 17815

    Treatment Services: Outpatient Treatment, Limited Hospitalization/Day Treatment Programs, Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Medicaid Coverage, Medicare Coverage, Private or Personal Health Insurance