  • Drug Overdose Facts
  • Because of its prolonged extended action, abuse of OxyContin can cause serious side effects when injected as it goes directly into the bloodstream.
  • In any given month, more adolescents are drinking alcohol than are smoking cigarettes or using marijuana.
  • Fresh magic mushrooms have white or whitish- gray stems with dark brown caps around the edges and a light brown or white in the center.
  • As of 2010, 1.2% of 8th graders, 1.6% of 10th graders, and 1.0% of 12th graders had abused methamphetamine at least once in the year prior to being surveyed.
  • Amphetamines can be snorted, smoked, injected, or taken orally in tablet or capsule form.
Name: Type of Treatment:
Email: Drug Abused
Phone: Describe the Situation:
Income Based Payment (Sliding Scale)

Paying for drug treatment can be a challenge, because typically all resources have been exhausted due to their drug habit. Many drug treatment programs fully grasp this reality which is why many drug rehabilitation programs across the nation provide payment arrangements known as a sliding scale fee. There are several variables put into the equation of determining what the fee will be from person to person, and these factors are based on individual circumstances such as income, cash on hand, living circumstances, the size of one's family etc. Sliding scale fees have been in use for some time as most drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities would rather find a way to make it work financially so that those suffering with addiction can receive the help they need.

Income Based Payment Sliding Scale category listings in Nogales, Arizona:

  • Guidance Center
    Guidance Center is a Drug Recovery Facility that is located at:

    220 West Grant Avenue
    Williams, AZ. 86046

    Treatment Services: Outpatient Treatment, Specialized in Hearing Impaired Clients
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Medicaid Coverage, Medicare Coverage, Private or Personal Health Insurance, Accepts Military Insurance (E.G., Va, Tricare), Income Based Payment (Sliding Scale)
  • Stonewall Institute
    Stonewall Institute is a Drug Abuse Treatment Facility that is located at:

    4020 North 20th Street
    Phoenix, AZ. 85016

    Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Outpatient Treatment, Dui/Dwi Offender Programs
    Payment Options: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), Private or Personal Health Insurance, Income Based Payment (Sliding Scale)