  • Drug Overdose Facts
  • Bath Salts were first produced and sold to be a legal synthetic high, much like the synthetic cannabinoid K-2 or Spice.
  • Drug overdose deaths in the United States have historically been associated with urban areas; according to the most recent government statistics, the rate of drug overdose deaths in rural areas throughout the U.S. has currently skyrocketed.
  • It is easy to understand why a heroin overdose is more likely than with any other type of an illicit drug, there is no way to determine the exact content or purity of the substance that is being purchased.
  • As a stimulant, cocaine creates a strong sense of exhilaration and users generally feel invincible, carefree, alert, and euphoric and have a lot of energy.
  • In 2010 there were 1.2 million persons who were current hallucinogen users aged 12 or older in the nation, including 695,000 (0.3 percent) who had used Ecstasy.
Name: Type of Treatment:
Email: Drug Abused
Phone: Describe the Situation:
Val Verde Regional Medical Center offers the following services:

Outpatient Treatment

Drug treatment services which are delivered on an outpatient basis are available to addicted individuals who have circumstances which prevent them from being able to take part in an inpatient treatment center. An outpatient drug rehab center delivers many of the same services as an inpatient program, but allows for flexibility as opposed to an inpatient drug or alcohol rehab facility where the individual is required to stay and reside at the rehabilitation program until treatment has been fully completed. Outpatient drug or alcohol rehab is also available for individuals who have completed residential or inpatient treatment but also need a thorough aftercare program which will provide additional support and treatment to help them remain clean and sober.


Seniors/Older Adult Services

Whether it is apparent or not, seniors and older adults encompass a significant percentage of individuals in the United States who struggle with drug and/or alcohol abuse and addiction. As the baby boomer generation ages, this will become an even bigger problem with an even bigger need for drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers which are prepared to treat seniors and older adults who are in need of rehabilitation for addiction problems. Seniors and older adults are faced with many physical challenges as a result of their age, which can affect treatment outcome if not addressed concurrently. It is beneficial for seniors and older adults to find treatment before any long term consequences arise.


Spanish Services

There are more and more Spanish speaking clients walking into substance abuse treatment centers every day needing help. Because Spanish is such a prevalent language in this country, many drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs are capable of providing services to Spanish speaking individuals. Additionally, many treatment professionals make it a point to learn the language so as to be able to provide the treatment and therapy needed for Spanish speaking clients.


Self Pay (Out of Pocket)

Self payment drug rehabilitation programs are a great alternative to other types of treatment facilities i.e. private medical insurance and state funded programs. Individuals who are capable of attending self payment programs pay for their entire rehabilitation process out of pocket. Keep in mind though, this does not mean that they will not have access to financial assistance if needed. It just means that self payment is their primary method of covering the cost of their drug or alcohol treatment program. In order to learn more about self payment programs, contact a drug or alcohol rehab facility and inquire as to their payment options. It is beneficial to contact a number of facilities so that you have an understanding of your choices regarding treatment options and payment options.


Medicaid Coverage

Medicaid is a type of health insurance which is accessible to people in certain low-income tax brackets. Eligibility for Medicaid depends greatly on income and other circumstances such as whether or not the person has dependents and if they receive any other financial assistance. Medicaid may even cover the costs associated with drug treatment, and there are a lot of drug and alcohol rehab programs throughout the country which are covered through Medicaid. Many drug rehab facilities which are covered through Medicaid may only provide a limited treatment curriculum and may only supply such treatment on a short term basis, usually 30 days or less. Individuals who have Medicaid should research which programs cover the greatest amount of treatment for the most amount of time to acquire the full rewards of a Medicaid rehab program.


Medicare Coverage

Drug addiction and alcoholism affects many older Americans and seniors, and this problem continues to grow as each year passes. Seniors who are covered by Medicare, an insurance program funded through the federal government for Americans in this age bracket, can use their benefits to receive treatment services for drug or alcohol addiction at a wide variety of drug rehab programs around the country. Medicare covers both inpatient and outpatient rehab programs, and seniors who are in need of treatment can consult with their primary care physician to choose a treatment program covered by Medicare which would fit his or her particular needs.


State Financed Insurance besides Medicaid

Some people are covered through state financed insurance because they fail to meet the eligibility requirements for Medicaid. Some states however offer affordable health insurance to those who cannot afford private health insurance plans. State financed health insurance programs will in some cases cover the costs associated with substance abuse treatment at a wide variety of drug and alcohol treatment facilities around the country. State financed insurance other than Medicaid may cover both inpatient or outpatient drug rehabilitation providers. To find out which treatment facilities will accept state financed insurance, consult a substance abuse treatment specialist.


Private or Personal Health Insurance

If an individual is addicted to drugs or alcohol and is seeking help, many effective drug rehab programs accept private health insurance. Whereas some outpatient and short term rehab facilities accept private health insurance, far more effective drug treatment facilities which offer an inpatient or residential stay for at least 90 days are also an available option. These rehab facilities which accept private health insurance can differ in terms of treatment curriculum, but those people who are covered by private health insurance are fortunate enough to have financial assistance when it comes to attending a drug rehab facility. For more information, consult with a treatment professional at a substance abuse rehab center in your area to see which services your private health insurance will cover.


Accepts Military Insurance (E.G., Va, Tricare)

Military health insurance normally relates to TRICARE and is a commonly recognized insurance for certain drug rehab centers. A drug rehab that accepts military insurance will normally accept most other types of insurance as well. TRICARE typically covers detox, rehab and outpatient treatment.
